chater ixteen farewell t hadwnd (第10/17页)
Deliverance. And then from another side came Cor the King of Archenland with King Lune his father and his wife Queen Aravis and the brave prince Corin Thunder-Fist, his brother,and Bree the Horse and Hwin the Mare. And then-which was a wonder beyond all wonders to Tirian-there came from further away in the past,the two good Beavers and Tumnus the Faun. And there was greeting and kissing and hand-shaking and old jokes revived,you’ve no idea how good an old joke sounds when you take it out again after a rest of five or six hundred years and the whole company moved forward to the centre of the orchard where the Phoenix sat in a tree and looked down upon them all,and at the foot of that tree were two thrones and in those two thrones a King and Queen so great and beautiful that everyone bowed down before them. And well they might,for these two were King Frank and Queen Helen from whom all the most ancient Kings of Narnia and Archenland are descended. And Tirian felt as you would feel if you