chater thirteen the three leeer (第11/17页)
he Narnian sky.
They wrapped themselves in their sea cloaks and sat still and waited.At first there was some attempt at talk but it didn’t come to much.And they sat and sat.And all the time they heard the waves breaking on the beach.
After hours that seemed like ages there came a moment when they all knew they had been dozing a moment before but were all suddenly wide awake.The stars were all in quite different positions from those they had last noticed.The sky was very black except for the faintest possible greyness in the east.They were cold, though thirsty,and stiff.And none of them spoke because now at last something was happening.
Before them,beyond the pillars,there was the slope of a low hill.And now a door opened in the hillside,and light appeared in the doorway,and a figure came out,and the door shut behind it.The figure carried a light,and this light was really all that they could see distinctly.It came slowly nearer and nearer till at last it stood right