chater ne hw they dicvered thg wrth kng (第10/17页)
giants had provided for them last night:except Puddleglum,whom nothing would fit. Jill wore a vivid green robe,rather too long for her, and over that a scarlet mantle fringed with white fur. Scrubb had scarlet stockings,blue tunic and cloak,a gold-hilted sword,and a feathered bonnet.
“Nice bits of colour,you two are,”muttered Puddleglum. “Show up very prettily on a winter day. The worst archer in the world couldn’t miss either of you if you were in range. And talking of archers,we’ll be sorry not to have our own bows before long,I shouldn’t wonder. Bit thin,too,those clothes of yours,are they ?”
“Yes,I’m freezing already,”said Jill.
A few minutes ago when they had been in the kitchen,she had thought that if only they could once get out of the castle,their escape would be almost complete. She now realized that the most dangerous part of it was still to come.
“Steady,steady,”said Puddleglum. “Don’t look back. Don’t walk too quickly. Whatever you do,don’t run.