chater eleven the dark catle (第9/17页)
l that is most dear and most dreadful. But do not listen to me. Harden your hearts and stop your ears. For while I am bound you are safe. But if once I were up and out of this chair,then first would come my fury,and after that”—he shuddered—“the change into a loathsome serpent.”
“There’s no fear of our loosing you,”said Puddleglum. “We’ve no wish to meet wild men;or serpents either.”
“I should think not,”said Scrubb and Jill together.
“All the same,”added Puddleglum in a whisper. “Don’t let’s be too sure. Let’s be on our guard. We’ve muffed everything else,you know. He’ll be cunning,I shouldn’t wonder,once he gets started. Can we trust one another ? Do we all promise that whatever he says we don’t touch those cords ? Whatever he says, mind you ?”
“Rather !”said Scrubb.
“There’s nothing in the world he can say or do that’ll make me change my mind,”said Jill.
“Hush ! Something’s happening,”said Puddleglum.
The Knight was moaning. His face