mour of a hag the next.But in the end all that foul brood was stamped out.And they made good laws and kept the peace and saved good trees from being unnecessarily cut down, and liberated young dwarfs and young satyrs from being sent to school,and generally stopped busybodies and interferers and encouraged ordinary people who wanted to live and let live.And they drove back the fierce giants(quite a different sort from Giant Rumblebuffin)on the north of Narnia when these ventured across the frontier.And they entered into friendship and alliance with countries beyond the sea and paid them visits of state and received visits of state from them.And they themselves grew and changed as the years passed over them.And Peter became a tall and deep-chested man and a great warrior,and he was called King Peter the Magnificent.And Susan grew into a tall and gracious woman with black hair that fell almost to her feet and the kings of the countries beyond the sea began to send ambassadors asking for h