chater furteen the begng f the end f the wrld (第8/17页)
aid the star,“it would be no use,even though you wished it,to sail for the World’s End with men unwilling or men deceived.That is not how great unenchantments are achieved.
They must know where they go and why.But who is this broken man you speak of ?”
Caspian told Ramandu the story of Rhoop.
“I can give him what he needs most,”said Ramandu.“I this island there is sleep without stint or measure,and sleep in which no faintest footfall of a dream was ever heard.Let him sit beside these other three and drink oblivion till you return.”
“Oh,do let’s do that,Caspian,”said Lucy.“I’m sure its just what he would love.”
At that moment they were interrupted by the sound of many feet and voices:Drinian and the rest of the ship company were approaching.They halted in surprise whey they saw Ramandu and his daughter;and then,because these were obviously great people,every man uncovered his head.Some sailors eyed the empty dishes and flagons on the table with regret.