chater five uddleg (第9/18页)
while Jill went and had some sort of wash—not a very nice one—in the nearest channel. After that she saw to the fire and he had a wash. Both felt a good deal fresher,but very hungry.
Presently the Marsh-wiggle joined them. In spite of his expectation of catching no eels,he had a dozen or so,which he had already skinned and cleaned. He put a big pot on,mended the fire,and lit his pipe. Marsh-wiggles smoke a very strange,heavy sort of tobacco(some people say they mix it with mud)and the children noticed the smoke from Puddleglum’s pipe hardly rose in the air at all. It trickled out of the bowl and downwards and drifted along the ground like a mist. It was very black and set Scrubb coughing.
“Now,”said Puddleglum. “Those eels will take a mortal long time to cook,and either of you might faint with hunger before they’re done. I knew a little girl-but I’d better not tell you that story. It might lower your spirits,and that’s a thing I never do. So,to keep your minds off your h