chater furteen the begng f the end f the wrld (第10/17页)
hanges after the New Year.We’ll have plenty of wind for sailing westward;more than we shall like from all accounts.”
“That’s true,Master,”said an old sailor who was a Galmian by birth.“You get some ugly weather rolling up from the east in January and February.And by your leave,Sire,if I was in command of this ship I’d say to winter here and begin the voyage home in March.”
“What’d you eat while you were wintering here ?”asked Eustace.
“This table,”said Ramandu,“will be filled with a king’s feast every day at sunset.”
“Now you’re talking !”said several sailors.
“Your Majesties and gentlemen and ladies all,”said Rynelf, “there’s just one thing I want to say.There’s not one of us chaps as was pressed on this journey.We’re volunteers.And there’s some here chat are looking very hard at that table and thinking about king’s feasts who were talking very loud about adventures on the day we sailed from Cair Paravel,and swearing they wouldn’t come home till we’d