chater fur what haened that night (第9/14页)
ndfather King Rilian who had been stolen away by a Witch when he was only a young prince and kept hidden for years in the dark caves beneath the land of the Northern Giants. But then it had all come; right in the end,for two mysterious children had suddenly appeared from the land beyond the world’s end and had rescued him so that he came home to Narnia and had a long and prosperous reign.“It’s not like that with me,”said Tirian to himself. Then he went further back and:thought about Rilian’s father,Caspian the Seafarer,whose wicked uncle King Miraz had tried to murder him and how Caspian had fled away into the woods and lived among the Dwarfs. But that story too had all come right in the end:for Caspian also had been helped by children-only there were four of them that time-who came from somewhere beyond the world and fought a great battle and set him on his father’s throne.“But it was all long ago,”said Tirian to himself.“That sort of thing doesn’t happen now.”And then he remembered f