other apartments. And there,either await my coming when they have unbound me;or, if you will,return and sit with me in my ravings.”
They followed his directions and passed out of the room by a door which they had not yet seen opened. It brought them,they were pleased to see,not into darkness but into a lighted corridor. They tried various doors and found(what they very badly needed) water for washing and even a looking glass. “He never offered us a wash before supper,”said Jill,drying her face. “Selfish,self-centred pig.”
“Are we going back to watch the enchantment,or shall we stay here ?”said Scrubb.
“Stay here,I vote,”said Jill. “I’d much rather not see it.”But she felt a little inquisitive all the same.
“No,go back,”said Puddleglum. “We may pick up some information,and we need all we can get. I am sure that Queen is a witch and an enemy. And those Earthmen would knock us on the head as soon as look at us. There’s a stronger smell of danger and lies and ma