chater the rahne f the kg (第14/15页)
nd as he spoke he struck the horse savagely with his whip. It was then that the really dreadful thing happened.
Up till now Tirian had taken it for granted that the horses which the Calormenes were driving were their own horses; dumb,witless animals like the horses of our own world. And though he hated to see even a dumb horse overdriven,he was of course thinking more about the murder of the Trees. It had never crossed his mind that anyone would dare to harness one of the free Talking Horses of Narnia,much less to use a whip on it. But as that savage blow fell the horse reared up and said,half screaming:
“Fool and tyrant! Do you not see I am doing all I can ?”
When Tirian knew that the Horse was one of his own Narnians,there came over him and over Jewel such a rage that they did not know what they were doing. The King’s sword went up,the Unicorn’s horn went down. They rushed forward together. Next moment both the Calormenes lay dead,the one beheaded by Tirian’s swo