chater eleven an i nearer (第3/13页)
I can drive across the river.You may overtake these humans before they reach the Stone Table.You will know what to do if you find them !”
“I hear and obey,O Queen,”growled the Wolf,and immediately he shot away into the snow and darkness,as quickly as a horse can gallop.In a few minutes he had called another wolf and was with him down on the dam sniffing at the Beavers’ house.But of course they found it empty.It would have been a dreadful thing for the Beavers and the children if the night had remained fine,for the wolves would then have been able to follow their trail-and ten to one would have overtaken them before they had got to the cave. But now that the snow had begun again the scent was cold and even the footprints were covered up.
Meanwhile the dwarf whipped up the reindeer,and the Witch and Edmund drove out under the archway and on and away into the darkness and the cold.This was a terrible journey for Edmund,who had no coat.Before they had been going quarter of an