chater eleven an i nearer (第9/13页)
e,sweet,rustling, chattering noise-and yet not so strange,for he’d heard it before-if only he could remember where ! Then all at once he did remember. It was the noise of running water.All round them though out of sight,there were streams,chattering,murmuring,bubbling, splashing and even(in the distance)roaring.And his heart gave a great leap(though he hardly knew why)when he realized that the frost was over.And much nearer there was a drip-drip-drip from the branches of all the trees.And then,as he looked at one tree he saw a great load of snow slide off it and for the first time since he had entered Narnia he saw the dark green of a fir tree.But he hadn’t time to listen or watch any longer,for the Witch said:
“Don’t sit staring,fool ! Get out and help.”
And of course Edmund had to obey.He stepped out into the snow-but it was really only slush by now-and began helping the dwarf to get the sledge out of the muddy hole it had got into. They got it out in the end,and by bei