第十章 5 (第3/4页)
红。他用英语说:“Give me three buddies, we will take out that machine gun.(给我三个手足,我带他们去搞掉那个火力点。)”
“Sarge! (军士长!)”赵小柱怒吼,“We must take them out before it’s too late! Give me three buddies and cover us so we can flank them!(来不及了!我要去占领那个火力点,从背后袭击他们!给我三个手足,我带他们从侧翼包抄过去!你们在山上阻击住,我一定会攻占那个火力点!我们可以把他们全歼在这里,军士长!)”
“Who the hell is cleaver! Only Rattle here! (没有菜刀,军士长!我是响尾蛇!)”赵小柱怒吼,“It’s now or never! Damn it, let me take them out!(我们现在在生死关头!你难道忘记摩加迪沙的悲剧了吗!该死的,我要去占领那个火力点!)”
孙守江知道这个时候不能直接刺激赵小柱,他抓住赵小柱的胳膊用军士长的声音怒吼:“Do not cross the border! That’s a direct order from pentagon! Is that clear?!(那是国界,明白吗?我们接到五角大楼的命令,不能越界作战!响尾蛇,这也是参谋长联系会议的命令!)”
“Fuck the pentagon and chief of staff!(去他妈的五角大楼!去他妈的参谋长联系会议主席!)”赵小柱一把推开军士长,“Rangers always lead the way to cross the border!(游骑兵从来都是越界作战!)”
“Mutiny! Rattle! Mutiny!(响尾蛇,你不要乱来!)”孙守江着急地说,“They will put you on the court-martial!(你会上军事法庭的