chater ixteen the healg f har (第11/21页)
cheered,but it was a half-hearted cheer,for they all felt that something was going wrong. Then suddenly the King’s head fell back upon his pillows,the musicians stopped and there was a dead silence. The Prince,kneeling by the King’s bed,laid down his head upon it and wept.
There were whisperings and goings to and fro. Then Jill noticed that all who wore hats,bonnets,helmets,or hoods were taking them off—Eustace included. Then she heard a rustling and flapping noise up above the castle;when she looked she saw that the great banner with the golden Lion on it was being brought down to half-mast. And after that,slowly,mercilessly,with wailing strings and disconsolate blowing of horns,the music began again: this time,a tune to break your heart.
They both slipped off their Centaurs(who took no notice of them).
“I wish I was at home,”said Jill.
Eustace nodded,saying nothing,and bit his lip.
“I have come,”said a deep voice behind them. They turned and saw the