chater ixteen the healg f har (第13/21页)
now and the winter sky. For all these things floated off into the air like wreaths of smoke,and suddenly they were standing in a great brightness of mid-summer sunshine,on smooth turf,among mighty trees,and beside a fair,fresh stream.
Then they saw that they were once more on the Mountain of Aslan,high up above and beyond the end of that world in which Narnia lies. But the strange thing was that the funeral music for King Caspian still went on,though no one could tell where it came from. They were walking beside the stream and the Lion went before them:and he became so beautiful,and the music so despairing,that Jill did not know which of them it was that filled her eyes with tears.
Then Aslan stopped,and the children looked into the stream. And there,on the golden gravel of the bed of the stream,lay King Caspian,dead,with the water flowing over him like liquid glass. His long white beard swayed in it like water-weed. And all three stood and wept. Even the Lion wept:great