me,Sir,”answered Puddleglum,“that this Lady of yours must be a long liver too,if she remembers the verse as it was when they first cut it.”
“Very shrewd,Frog-face,”said the Knight,clapping Puddleglum on the shoulder and laughing again. “And you have hit the truth. She is of divine race,and knows neither age nor death. I am the more thankful to her for all her infinite bounty to such a poor mortal wretch as I. For you must know,Sirs,I am a man under most strange afflictions,and none but the Queen’s grace would have had patience with me. Patience,said I ? But it goes far beyond that. She has promised me a great kingdom in Overland, and,when I am king,her own most gracious hand in marriage. But the tale is too long for you to hear fasting and standing. Hi there,some of you ! Bring wine and Updwellers’ food for my guests. Please you,be seated,gentlemen. Little maiden,sit in this chair. You shall hear it all.”