chater eight what haened after dner (第6/13页)
“She’d like us to believe it,”said Mr. Beaver,“and it’s on that that she bases her claim to be Queen.But she’s no Daughter of Eve.She comes of your father Adam’s”-(here Mr. Beaver bowed)“your father Adam’s first wife,her they called Lilith. And she was one of the Jinn.That’s what she comes from on one side.And on the other she comes of the giants.No,no,there isn’t a drop of real human blood in the Witch.”
“That’s why she’s bad all through,Mr. Beaver,”said Mrs. Beaver.
“True enough,Mrs. Beaver,”replied he,“there may be two views about humans(meaning no offence to the present company).But there’s no two views about things that look like humans and aren’t.”
“I’ve known good Dwarfs,”said Mrs. Beaver.
“So’ve I,now you come to speak of it,”said her husband, “but precious few,and they were the ones least like men.But in general,take my advice,when you meet anything that’s going to be human and isn’t yet,or used to be human once and isn’t now, or ought to be h