hose things,”said an old Bear.“We want to be free. And we want to hear Aslan speak himself.”
“Now don’t you start arguing,”said the Ape,“for it’s a thing I won’t stand. I’m a Man:you’re only a fat,stupid old Bear. What do you know about freedom ? You think freedom means doing what you like. Well,you’re wrong. That isn’t true freedom. True freedom means doing what I tell you.”
“H-n-n-h,”grunted the Bear and scratched its head; it found this sort of thing hard to understand.
“Please,please,”said the high voice of a woolly lamb,who was so young that everyone was surprised he dared to speak at all.
“What is it now ?”said the Ape.“Be quick.”
“Please,”said the Lamb,“I can’t understand. What have we to do with the Calormenes ? We belong to Aslan. They belong to Tash. They have a god called Tash. They say he has four arms and the head of a vulture. They kill Men on his altar. I don’t believe there’s any such person as Tash. But if there was,how could Aslan be