chater fifteen rabadah the ridicu (第10/18页)
l over it. And his arms grew longer and came down in front of him till his hands were resting on the ground: only they weren' t hands, now, they were hoofs. And he was standing on all fours, and his clothes disappeared, and everyone laughed louder and louder because they couldn' t help it for now what had been Rabadash was, simply and unmistakably, a donkey. The terrible thing was that his human speech lasted just a moment longer than his human shape, so that when he realized the change that was coming over him,he screamed out:
"Oh, not a Donkey ! Mercy ! If it were even a horse— e' en—a hor—eeh—auh, eeh—auh."And so the words died away into a donkey' s bray.
"Now hear me, Rabadash," said Aslan. "Justice shall be mixed with mercy.You shall not always be an Ass."
At this of course the Donkey twitched its ears forward and that also was so funny that everybody laughed all the more. They tried not to,but they tried in vain.
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