chater fifteen rabadah the ridicu (第12/18页)
me to this extremity. Your Highness will bear witness that it was none of our doing. And of course we shall be delighted to provide your Highness with shipping back to Tashbaan for the—er—treatment which Aslan has prescribed. You shall have every comfort which your Highness s situation allows: the best of the cattle-boats—the freshest carrots and thistles—"
But a deafening bray from the Donkey and a well-aimed kick at one of the guards made it clear that these kindly offers were ungratefully received.
And here,to get him out of the way,I d better finish off the story of Rabadash. He or it was duly sent back by boat to Tashbaan and brought into the temple of Tash at the great Autumn Festival, and then he became a man again. But of course four or five thousand people had seen the transformation and the affair could not possibly be hushed up. And after the old Tisroc s death when Rabadash became Tisroc in his place he turned out the most peaceable Tisroc Calormen had ever kn