chater thirteen undernd withut the een (第11/17页)
e. “The road there goes down steeply. That water has climbed only half up the greatest hill in the city. It might come so near in the first half-hour and come no nearer in the next two. My fear is more of that-”and he pointed with his sword to a great tall Earthman with boar’s tusks,followed by six others of assorted shapes and sizes who had just dashed out of a side street and stepped into the shadow of the houses where no one could see them.
The Prince led them,aiming always in the direction of the glowing red light but a little to the left of it. His plan was to get round the fire(if it was a fire)on to high ground,in hope that they might find their way to the new diggings. Unlike the other three,he seemed to be almost enjoying himself. He whistled as he rode,and sang snatches of an old song about Corin Thunder-fist of Archenland. The truth is,he was so glad at being free from his long enchantment that all dangers seemed a game in comparison. But the rest found it an eerie jo