chater three the ailg f the kg (第11/18页)
n to visit the court of Narnia. The Dwarf glanced quickly up at them with a new expression in his eyes.
“Sent by the Lion Himself,hey ?”he said. “And from— m’m—from that other Place—beyond the world’s end,hey ?”
“Yes,my lord,”bawled Eustace into the trumpet.
“Son of Adam and Daughter of Eve,hey ? ”said the Dwarf. But people at Experiment House haven’t heard of Adam and Eve, so Jill and Eustace couldn’t answer this. But the Dwarf didn’t seem to notice.
“Well,my dears,”he said,taking first one and then the other by the hand and bowing his head a little. “You are very heartily welcome. If the good King,my poor Master,had not this very hour set sail for Seven Isles,he would have been glad of your coming. It would have brought back his youth to him for a moment—for a moment. And now,it is high time for supper. You shall tell me your business in full council tomorrow morning. Master Glimfeather,see that bedchambers and suitable clothes and all else are provided fo