chater fifteen an ake a dr the air (第6/21页)
hat is between you and your people,and still more for the kindness your people showed me long ago when you ate away the cords that bound me on the Stone Table and it was then,though you have long forgotten it,that you began to be Talking Mice,you shall have your tail again.”
Before Aslan had finished speaking the new tail was in its place.Then,at Aslan’s command,Peter bestowed the Knighthood of the Order of the Lion on Caspian,and Caspian,as soon as he was knighted,himself bestowed it on Trufflehunter and Trumpkin and Reepicheep,and made Doctor Cornelius his Lord Chancellor,of the Lists.And there was great applause.
After this the Telmarine soldiers,firmly but without taunts or blows,were taken across the ford and all put under lock and key in the town of Beruna and given beef and beer.They made a great fuss about wading in the river,for they all hated and feared running water just as much as they hated and feared woods and animals.But in the end the nuisance was over: an