chater five uddleg (第5/18页)
rse grass and bordered with reeds and rushes. Sometimes there were beds of rushes about an acre in extent. Clouds of birds were constantly alighting in them and rising from them again—duck,snipe,bitterns,herons. Many wigwams like that in which they had passed the night could be seen dotted about,but all at a good distance from one another;for Marsh-wiggles are people who like privacy. Except for the fringe of the forest several miles to the south and west of them,there was not a tree in sight. Eastward the flat marsh stretched to low sand-hills on the horizon,and you could tell by the salt tang in the wind which blew from that direction that the sea lay over there. To the North there were low pale-coloured hills,in places bastioned with rock. The rest was all flat marsh. It would have been a depressing place on a w et evening. Seen under a morning sun,with a fresh wind blowing,and the air filled with the crying of birds,there was something fine and fresh and clean about its loneliness.