ent round the right-hand turn and straight on for a few paces. Here there was a choice of ways:straight on again,or sharp to the right. “That’s no good,”said Scrubb,glancing down the right-hand turn,“that would be taking us back—south.”He went straight on,but once more,in a few steps,they found a second turn to the right. But this time there was no choice of ways,for the trench they had been following here came to a dead end.
“No good,”grunted Scrubb. Jill lost no time in turning and leading the way back. When they returned to the place where Jill had first fallen in,the Marsh-wiggle with his long arms had no difficulty in pulling them out.
But it was dreadful to be out on top again. Down in those narrow slits of trenches,their ears had almost begun to thaw. They had been able to see clearly and breathe easily and hear each other speak without shouting. It was absolute misery to come back into the withering coldness. And it did seem hard when Puddleglum chose that moment