ells which had produced the endless winter;and therefore they all knew when this magic spring began that something had gone wrong,and badly wrong,with the Witch’s schemes.And after the thaw had been going on for some time they all realized that the Witch would no longer be able to use her sledge.After that they didn’t hurry so much and they allowed themselves more rests and longer ones. They were pretty tired by now of course;but not what I’d call bitterly tired-only slow and feeling very dreamy and quiet inside as one does when one is coming to the end of a long day in the open. Susan had a slight blister on one heel.
They had left the course of the big river some time ago; for one had to turn a little to the right (that meant a little to the south)to reach the place of the Stone Table.Even if this had not been their way they couldn’t have kept to the river valley once the thaw began,for with all that melting snow the river was soon in flood-a wonderful,roaring,thundering yello