动物园的虎鲸 Cuddles在“亲吻”驯兽师的动作中用力过猛,驯兽师 Roy Lock因鼻子骨折住院。
1972年夏天,七大洋海洋生物公园的两名训练员头部被公园的逆戟鲸 Nootka咬伤。教练拉里·劳伦斯的头皮受了轻伤,而教练鲍勃·皮克的眼睛则受了更严重的撕裂伤。
1970年代初,海洋世界/非洲美国培训师 Jeff Pulaski在表演期间骑着一只名叫 Kianu的年轻雌性逆戟鲸时,被甩下并被赶出水箱。
At the same park, also in the early 1970s, an unidentified Marine World trainer was seized by the young male Orky II and held at the bottom of the tank until the man nearly lost consciousness.
In the early 1970s, trainer Manny Velasco recalls both Hugo and Lolita of the Miami Seaquarium being aggressive, lunging and snapping at the trainers standing on the central work-island, ending the training session for the day.
In the early 1970s, during a water work session Hugo refused to allow trainer Chip Kirk to get out of the water, Kirk explained to a journalist from the Palm Beach Post. Hugo bit him on the arm badly enough to leave a scar, which Kirk showed to the reporter.
In the early 1970s, Hugo grabbed trainer Bob Pulaski by the wetsuit and be