chater fifteen the wnder f the t ea (第3/17页)
Then you came out of the cutting and—flick ! —once more the black shadow had gone back to its normal size and was running along the fields.
“It’s our shadow !—the shadow of the Dawn Treader,”said Lucy.“Our shadow running along on the bottom of the sea.That time when it got bigger it went over a hill.But in that case the water must be clearer than I thought ! Good gracious,I must he seeing the bottom of the sea;fathoms and fathoms down.”
As soon as she had said this she realized that the great silvery expanse which she had been seeingwithout noticingfor some time was really the sand on the sea-bed and that ail sorts of darker or brighter patches were not lights and shadows on the surface but real things on the bottom.At present,for instance,they were passing over a mass of soft purply green with a broad,winding strip of pale grey in the middle of it.But now that she knew it was on the bottom she saw it much better.She could see that bits of the dark stuff were much higher