chater ix the adventure f eutace (第6/20页)
unpleasant one.In less than a minute Eustace was wet to the skin and half blinded with such rain as one never sees in Europe.There was no use trying to climb out of the valley as long as this lasted.He bolted for the only shelter in sight—the dragon’s cave.There he lay down and tried to get his breath.
Most of us know what we should expect to find in a dragon’s lair,but,as I said before,Eustace had read only the wrong books. They had a lot to say about exports and imports and governments and drains,but they were weak on dragons.That is why he was so puzzled at the surface on which he was lying.Parts of it were too prickly to be stones and too hard to be thorns,and there seemed to be a great many round,flat things,and it all clinked when he moved.There was light enough at the cave’s mouth to examine it by.And of course Eustace found it to be what any of us could have told him in advance—treasure.There were crownsthose were the prickly things,coins,rings,bracelets,ingots,cups,pla