chater three the lne ind (第7/16页)
you are,”said Caspian.“A kidnapper and slaver.I hope you’re proud of it.”
“Now,now,now,now,”said the slaver.“Don’t you start any jaw.The easier you take it,the pleasanter all round,see ? I don’t do this for fun.I’ve got my living to make same as anyone else.”
“Where will you take us ?”asked Lucy,getting the words out with some difficulty.
“Over to Narrowhaven,”said the slaver.“For market day tomorrow.”
“Is there a British Consul there ?”asked Eustace.
“Is there a which ?”said the man.
But long before Eustace was tired of trying to explain,the slaver simply said,“Well,I’ve had enough of this jabber. The Mouse is a fair treat but this one would talk the hind leg off a donkey.Off we go,mates.”
Then the four human prisoners were roped together,not cruelly but securely,and made to march down to the shore. Reepicheep was carried.He had stopped biting on a threat of having his mouth tied up,but he had a great deal to say,and Lucy really wondere