chater five the tr and what ca f it (第9/18页)
hardly my business to get them out of their scrape.
“September 4.Still becalmed.Very short rations for dinner and I got less than anyone.Caspian is very clever at helping and thinks I don’t see ! Lucy for some reason tried to make up to me by offering me some of hers but that interfering prig Edmund wouldn’t let her.Pretty hot sun.Terribly thirsty all evening.
“September 5.Still becalmed and very hot.Feeling rotten all day and am sure I’ve got a temperature.Of course they haven’t the sense to keep a thermometer on board.
“September 6.A horrible day.Woke up in the night knowing I was feverish and must have a drink of water.Any doctor would have said so.Heaven knows I’m the last person to try to get any unfair advantage but I never dreamed that this water-rationing would be meant to apply to a sick man.In fact I would have woken the others up and asked for some only I thought it would be selfish to wake them. So I just got up and took my cup and tiptoed out of the B