eted hand which sent his hat flying from his head.
“Ere ?Wot’s it all about ?”began the doorkeeper,but no one took any notice of him.Two of Caspian’s men stepped through the postern and after some struggling with bars and boltsfor everything was rustyflung both wings of the gate wide open.Then the King and his followers strode into the courtyard.Here a number of the governor’s guards were lounging about and several morethey were mostly wiping their mouthscame tumbling out of various doorways. Though their armour was in a disgraceful condition,these were fellows who might have fought if they had been led or had known what was happening;so this was the dangerous moment.Caspian gave them no time to think.
“Where is the captain ?”he asked.
“I am,more or less,if you know what I mean,”said a languid and rather dandified young person without any armour at all.
“It is our wish,”said Caspian,“that our royal visitation to our realm of the Lone Islands should,if possib