chater eleven the duffleud ade hay (第6/18页)
nt blank.”
“Are they as stupid as all that ?”asked Lucy.
The Magician sighed.“You wouldn’t believe the troubles I’ve had with them.A few months ago they were all for washing up the plates and knives before dinner:they said it saved time afterwards. I’ve caught them planting boiled potatoes to save cooking them when they were dug up.One day the cat got into the dairy and twenty of them were at work moving all the milk out;no one thought of moving the cat.But I see you’ve finished.Let’s go and look at the Duffers now they can be looked at.”
They went into another room which was full of polished instruments hard to understand-such as Astrolabes,Orreries, Chronoscopes,Poesimeters,Choriambuses and Theodolinds-and here,when they had come to the window,the Magician said, “There.There are your Duffers.”
“I don’t see anybody,”said Lucy.“And what are those mushroom things ?”
The things she pointed at were dotted all over the level grass. They were certainly ver