Don’t tell them who we are,”said Caspian.
“And pray,your Majesty,why not ?”said Reepicheep who had consented to ride on Lucy’s shoulder.
“It just occurred to me,”replied Caspian,“that no one here can have heard from Narnia for a long time.It’s just possible they may not still acknowledge our over-lordship.In which case it might not be quite safe to be known as the King.”
“We have our swords,Sire,”said Reepicheep.
“Yes,Reep,I know we have,”said Caspian.“But if it is a question of re-conquering the three islands,I’d prefer to come back with a rather larger army.”
By this time they were quite close to the strangers,one of whom—a big black-haired fellow—shouted out,“A good morning to you.”
“And a good morning to you,”said Caspian.“Is there still a Governor of the Lone Islands ?”
“To be sure there is,”said the man,“Governor Gumpas.His Sufficiency is at Narrowhaven.But you’ll stay and drink with us.”
Caspian thanked him,though neither h