e dried,and one man was lost overboard,and they never saw the sun.
When it was over Eustace made the following entry in his diary:
“September 3.The first day for ages when I have been able to write.We had been driven before a hurricane for thirteen days and nights.I know that because I kept a careful count,though the others all say it was only twelve.Pleasant to be embarked on a dangerous voyage with people who can’t even count right! I have had a ghastly time,up and down enormous waves hour after hour,usually wet to the skin,and not even an attempt at giving us proper meals. Needless to say there’s no wireless or even a rocket,so no chance of signalling anyone for help.It all proves what I keep on telling them,the madness of setting out in a rotten little tub like this. It would be bad enough even if one was with decent people instead of fiends in human form.Caspian and Edmund are simply brutal to me.
The night we lost our mastthere’s only a stump left now,though