chater ne the fundg f narnia (第11/17页)
d sanatorium here might be worth twenty thousand a year.Of course I shall have to let a few people into the secret.The first thing is to get that brute shot.”
“You’re just like the Witch,”said Polly.“All you think of is killing things.”
“And then as regards oneself,”Uncle Andrew continued, in a happy dream.“There’s no knowing how long I might live if I settled here.And that’s a big consideration when a fellow has turned sixty.I shouldn’t be surprised if I never grew a day older in this country ! Stupendous ! The land of youth !”
“Oh !”cried Digory.“The land of youth ! Do you think it really is ?”For of course he remembered what Aunt Letty had said to the lady who brought the grapes,and that sweet hope rushed back upon him.“Uncle Andrew”,he said,“do you think there’s anything here that would cure Mother ?”
“What are you talking about ?”said Uncle Andrew.“This isn’t a chemist’s shop.But as I was saying-”
“You don’t care twopence about her,”said Digory s