chater a wayide adventure (第5/21页)
aid Bree. But then suddenly he rolled round on his side, raised his head and looked hard at Shasta,blowing a little.
"Does it really look funny ?" he asked in an anxious voice.
"Yes, it does," replied Shasta. "But what does it matter ?"
"You don't think, do you," said Bree, " that it might be a thing talking horses never do—a silly, clownish trick I ve learned from the dumb ones ?It would be dreadful to find,when I get back to Narnia, that I' ve picked up a lot of low,bad habits. What do you think, Shasta? Honestly,now.Don't spare my feelings. Should you think the real,free horses—the talking kind—do roll ?"
"How should I know ? Anyway I don't think I should bother about it if I were you. We ve got to get there first. Do you know the way ?"
"I know my way to Tashbaan.After that comes the desert. Oh,we ll manage the desert somehow,never fear. Why, we ll be in sight of the Northern mountains then.Think of it ! To Narnia and the North !No