chater ten wh will g t the table (第7/15页)
en eyes never blinked. “Cool as a cucumber,”muttered Eustace.“It knows it has nothing to fear.” The Ape,chuckling and making faces,shuttled across beside the Cat:put up his paw: drew the bolt and opened the door. Tirian thought he could hear the Cat purring as it walked into the dark doorway.
“Aii-aii-aouwee!-”The most horrible caterwaul you ever heard made everyone jump. You have been wakened yourself by cats quarrelling or making love on the roof in the middle of the night:you know the sound.
This was worse. The Ape was knocked head over heels by Ginger coming back out of the stable at top speed. If you had not known he was a cat,you might have thought he was a ginger-coloured streak of lightning. He shot across the open grass,back into the crowd. No one wants to meet a cat in that state. You could see animals getting out of his way to left and right. He dashed up a tree,whisked around,and hung head downwards. His tail was bristled out till it was nearly as thick as his