chater eleven the ace icken (第7/14页)
gashed in his side by the Boar’s tusk. But our side had its losses too. Three dogs were killed and a fourth was hobbling behind the line on three legs and whimpering. The Bear lay on the ground,moving feebly. Then it mumbled in its throaty voice, bewildered to the last,“I-I don’t understand,”laid its big head down on the grass as quietly as a child going to sleep,and never moved again.
In fact,the first attack had failed. Eustace didn’t seem able to be glad about it:he was so terribly thirsty and his arm ached so.
As the defeated Calormenes went back to their commander, the Dwarfs began jeering at them.
“Had enough,Darkies ?”they yelled.“Don’t you like it ? Why doesn’t your great Tarkaan go and fight himself instead of sending you to be killed ?Poor Darkies!”
“Dwarfs,”cried Tirian.“Come here and use your swords,not your tongues. There is still time. Dwarfs of Narnia! You can fight well,I know. Come back to your allegiance.”
“Yah!”sneered the Dwarfs.“