ng else—namely a little:dwarf who stood with his back to it about four feet away.“Aha !”thought Edmund. “When it springs at the dwarf then will be my chance to escape.” But still the lion never moved,nor did the dwarf.And now at last Edmund remembered what the others had said about the White Witch turning people into stone.Perhaps this was only a stone lion. And as soon as he had thought of that he noticed that the lion’s back and the top of its head were covered with snow.Of course it must be only a statue ! No living animal would have let itself get covered with snow.Then very slowly and with his heart beating as if it would burst,Edmund ventured to go up to the lion.Even now he hardly dared to touch it,but at last he put out his hand,very quickly,and did.It was cold stone.He had been frightened of a mere statue !
The relief which Edmund felt was so great that in spite of the cold he suddenly got warm all over right down to his toes,and at the same time there came into his hea