ad the water on their left and the forest on their right. Soon after that they came to the place where the ground grew rougher and thick wood came down to the water’s edge. The road, what there was of it,now ran on the Southern bank and they had to ford the River to reach it. It was up to Tirian’s arm-pits,but Jewel who had four legs and was therefore steadier kept on his right so as to break the force of the current,and Tirian put his strong arm round the Unicorn’s strong neck and they both got safely over. The King was still so angry that he hardly noticed the cold of the water. But of course he dried his sword very carefully on the shoulder of his cloak,which was the only dry part of him,as soon as they came to shore.
They were now going Westward with the River on their right and Lantern Waste straight ahead of them. They had not gone more than a mile when they both stopped and both spoke at the same moment. The King said“What have we here ?”and Jewel said“Look!”
“It i