chater ixteen the healg f har (第10/21页)
he ship’s deck:the sailors threw a rope;rats(Talking Rats,of course)and Marsh-wiggles made it fast ashore;and the ship was warped in. Musicians,hidden somewhere in the crowd,began to play solemn,triumphal music. And soon the King’s galleon was alongside and the Rats ran the gangway on board her.
Jill expected to see the old King come down it. But there appeared to be some hitch. A Lord with a pale face came ashore and knelt to the Prince and to Trumpkin. The three were talking with their heads close together for a few minutes,but no one could hear what they said. The music played on,but you could feel that everyone was becoming uneasy. Then four Knights,carrying something and going very slowly,appeared on deck. When they started to come down the gangway you could see what they were carrying:it was the old King on a bed,very pale and still. They set him down. The Prince knelt beside him and embraced him. They could see King Caspian raising his hand to bless his son. And everyone