ld show you real gold,real silver,real diamonds.”
“Bosh ! ”said Jill rudely. “As if we didn’t know that we’re below the deepest mines even here.”
“Yes,”said Golg. “I have heard of those little scratches in the crust that you Topdwellers call mines. But that’s where you get dead gold,dead silver,dead gems. Down in Bism we have them alive and growing. There I’ll pick you bunches of rubies that you can eat and squeeze you a cup full of diamond juice. You won’t care much about fingering the cold,dead treasures of your shallow mines after you have tasted the live ones of Bism.”
“My father went to the world’s end,”said Rilian thoughtfully. “It would be a marvellous thing if his son went to the bottom of the world.”
“If your Highness wants to see your father while he’s still alive,which I think he’d prefer,”said Puddleglum,“it’s about time we were getting on to that road to the diggings.”
“And I won’t go down that hole,whatever anyone says,” added Jill.