were a fine sight.But of course it was no use. Many of the animals behind him were swift ones;it was the first run they had ever taken in their lives and they were all longing to use their new muscles.“After him ! After him !”they shouted.“Perhaps he’s that Neevil ! Tally-ho ! Tantivy ! Cut him off ! Round him up ! Keep it up ! Hurrah !”
In a very few minutes some of them got ahead of him.They lined up in a row and barred his way.Others hemmed him in from behind.Wherever he looked he saw terrors.Antlers of great elks and the huge face of an elephant towered over him.Heavy, serious-minded bears and boars grunted behind him.Cool-looking leopards and panthers with sarcastic faces(as he thought) stared at him and waved their tails.What struck him most of all was the number of open mouths.The animals had really opened their mouths to pant;he thought they had opened their mouths to eat him.
Uncle Andrew stood trembling and swaying this way and that. He had never liked animals