ple are so narrow-minded.She certainly got very queer in later life.Did very unwise things.That was why they shut her up.”
“In an asylum,do you mean ?”
“Oh no,no,no,”said Uncle Andrew in a shocked voice. “Nothing of that sort.Only in prison.”
“I say !”said Digory.“What had she done ?”
“Ah,poor woman,”said Uncle Andrew.“She had been very unwise.There were a good many different things.We needn’t go into all that.She was always very kind to me.”
“But look here,what has all this got to do with Polly ? I do wish you’d-”
“All in good time,my boy,”said Uncle Andrew.“They let old Mrs. Lefay out before she died and I was one of the very few people whom she would allow to see her in her last illness.She had got to dislike ordinary,ignorant people,you understand.I do myself.But she and I were interested in the same sort of things. It was only a few days before her death that she told me to go to an old bureau in her house and open a secret drawer and brin