chater eight the hue f the tirc (第8/16页)
courtesy and spill as little Narnian blood as I can. And what then remains but to sit there till the Splendour Hyaline puts in, with Queen Susan on board, catch my strayed bird as she sets foot ashore, swing her into the saddle, and then, ride, ride,ride back to Anvard ?"
"But is it not probable, O my son, " said the Tisroc, "that at the taking of the woman either King Edmund or you will lose his life ?"
"They will be a small company," said Rabadash,"and I will order ten of my men to disarm and bind him: restraining my vehement desire for his blood so that there shall be no deadly cause of war between you and the High King."
"And how if the Splendour Hyaline is at Cair Paravel before you ?"
"I do not look for that with these winds, O my father. "
"And lastly, O my resourceful son, " said the Tisroc, "you have made clear how all this might give you the barbarian woman, but not how it helps me to the over-throwing of Narnia."
"O my father, can it