chater furteen the ntg f the tree (第9/14页)
n’s with emeralds.
When the crowns had been cooled in the river Aslan made Frank and Helen kneel before him and he placed the crowns on their heads.Then he said,“Rise up King and Queen of Narnia, father and mother of many kings that shall be in Narnia and the Isles and Archenland.Be just and merciful and brave.The blessing is upon you.”
Then everyone cheered or bayed or neighed or trumpeted or clapped its wings and the royal pair stood looking solemn and a little shy,but all the nobler for their shyness.And while Digory was still cheering he heard the deep voice of Aslan beside him,saying:
“Look ! ”
Everyone in that crowd turned its head,and then everyone drew a long breath of wonder and delight.A little way off, towering over their heads,they saw a tree which had certainly not been there before.It must have grown up silently,yet swiftly as a flag rises when you pull it up on a flagstaff,while they were all busied about the coronation.Its spreading branches