ugh the ivied cobwebby opening,out of the fresh,grey night into a dark place inside the top of the tower. It was rather fusty inside and,the moment she slipped off the Owl’s back,she knew(as one usually does somehow)that it was quite crowded And when voices began saying out of the darkness from every direction“Tu—whoo !Tu-whoo!”she knew it was crowded with owls. She was rather relieved when a very different voice said:
“Is that you,Pole ?”
“Is that you,Scrubb ?”said Jill.
“Now,”said Glimfeather,“I think we’re all here. Let us hold a parliament of owls.”
“Tu-whoo,tu-whoo. True for you. That’s the right thing to do,”said several voices.
“Half a moment,”said Scrubb’s voice. “There’s something I want to say first.”
“Do,do,do,”said the owls,and Jill said,“Fire ahead.”
“I suppose all you chaps—owls,I mean,”said Scrubb,“I suppose you all know that King Caspian the Tenth,in his young days,sailed to the eastern end of the world. Well,I was with h