up.”He produced a black bottle very like Puddleglum’s own,but about twenty times larger. “Let me see,let me see,”said the Porter. “I can’t give you a cup or you’ll drown yourself. Let me see. This salt-cellar will be just the thing. You needn’t mention it over at the House. The silver will keep on getting over here,and it’s not my fault.”
The salt-cellar was not very like one of ours,being narrower and more upright,and made quite a good cup for Puddleglum, when the giant set it down on the floor beside him. The children expected Puddleglum to refuse it,distrusting the Gentle Giants as he did. But he muttered,“It’s rather late to be thinking of precautions now that we’re inside and the door shut behind us.”Then he sniffed at the liquor. “Smells all right,”he said. “But that’s nothing to go by. Better make sure,”and took a sip. “Tastes all right,too,”he said. “But it might do that at the first sip. How does it go on ?”He took a larger sip. “Ah !”he said. “But is it the same all t